
After only a few more strokes, Grant let out a grunt and exploded, shooting streams of cum deep inside my cunt. He leaned his head against my back and kept his hands on both tits, as he continued sliding his thick dick in and out of me, while he enjoyed the throes of his ebbing orgasm.After a brief respite, we finished showering, washing each other’s body parts as we went, then got out to dry off. I grabbed a towel and patted Grant dry – front and back – finishing by holding his balls in the towel with one hand, while I rubbed the length of his shaft with the towel using my other hand. He always liked this special touch after we showered, and I was always happy to do it. He returned the favor by drying me, front and back, then patting my pussy lips dry, and ending it all with a tender toweling of my tits and nipples. Even after having orgasmed in the shower only a few minutes ago, this always made my nipples hard and my pussy wet….and I loved it.For the evening I dressed in a tight. She had noticed that I was staring at her pussy area ever since she got on the stage. Candy seductively crawled over to me, flashed her pussy, and whispered to me, "I'll see you when I'm done." My pussy was dripping and I had to finger myself to contain the excitement.After the show ended, I saw Candy walk into a room at the back of the club. I followed her, remembering what she told me. When I got to the door, I knocked. A voice from inside said, "Come in, sugahhh.."Obeying the voice, and my wet, throbbing pussy, I entered the room. Candy was sitting there in a lacy, black little number. "I wantttt youuuuuu," she said. "I want you too, babe," I replied. "Come here," she said.I walked over to Candy. She grabbed me by the hips and started making out with me. My pussy was so wet, my juices were flowing onto the leather sofa. Out of pure instinct I started feeling up her ass, playing with her thong. In response to my actions, she began to unzip my dress. I stood up and let it fall to.
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